- cığ-cığ
- писклявый, пискун.
Азербайджанско-русский словарь. — Баку. Х. Азизбеков. 1984.
Азербайджанско-русский словарь. — Баку. Х. Азизбеков. 1984.
Çiğ köfte — (pronounced as chigh keufte and meaning literally raw köfte in Turkish, also written in one word, as çiğköfte ) is a favorite Turkish snack and a speciality of South Eastern (Turkey) region. Bulgur is kneaded with chopped onions and water until… … Wikipedia
Çiğ köfte — Çiğ köfte. El çiğ köfte (literalmente en turco ‘pastel de carne cruda’) o çiğköfte es un plato de carne cruda típico de la cocina turca, muy parecido al kibé nayé y en menor medida al filete tártaro. Se hace con carne de ternera o cordero y suele … Wikipedia Español
CIG — could stand for: Certified Interpretive Guide, credentials earned by participating in a training course by the National Association for Interpretation (NAI), which leads to certification. The IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games … Wikipedia
cig|a|ret — cig|a|rette or cig|a|ret «SIHG uh REHT, SIHG uh reht», noun. a small roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in a thin sheet of paper for smoking. ╂[< French cigarette (diminutive) < cigare cigar < Spanish cigarro] … Useful english dictionary
cig|a|rette — or cig|a|ret «SIHG uh REHT, SIHG uh reht», noun. a small roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in a thin sheet of paper for smoking. ╂[< French cigarette (diminutive) < cigare cigar < Spanish cigarro] … Useful english dictionary
CIG — sigla 1. Cassa Integrazione Guadagni 2. Comitato Internazionale di Geofisica 3. Comitato Italiano Gas … Dizionario italiano
cig — (n.) slang abbreviation of CIGARETTE (Cf. cigarette) or CIGAR (Cf. cigar), attested from 1889 … Etymology dictionary
cig|a|ril|lo — «SIHG uh RIHL oh», noun, plural los. a thin cigar, a little longer than a cigarette: »The cigarillo, a pencil slim cigar, shorter and usually milder than its big brothers, has won a place in U.S. markets since World War II (Wall Street Journal).… … Useful english dictionary
cig|gie — «SIHG ee», noun. Slang. a cigarette … Useful english dictionary
çiğ — sf. 1) Pişmemiş veya az pişmiş 2) Gözü rahatsız eden, göze batan (renk, ışık) Koca Mustafapaşa daki berber Selim in aynası karşısında çiğ renkleri buna benzeyen çok süslü bir resim asılıydı. R. H. Karay 3) mec. Yersiz ve yakışıksız Bu, benim gibi … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
cig — as·cig·er·ous; cig; cig·a·resque; cig·a·rette; cig·a·ril·lo; dis·cig·er·ous; spi·cig·er·ous; cig·gy; cig·a·ret; cig·a·ri·to; cig·gie; … English syllables